We teach people to create graphs that make sense, weave them into compelling stories, and present powerfully through hands-on sessions

Our workshops are for teams interested in learning, honing skills, and building a culture that supports effective data communication within their organization. Due to their interactive nature, we find that they are best for up to 30 in-person or 30 virtual participants. In-person workshops are taught by 1–2 data storytellers at your location; virtual workshops are co-facilitated remotely by two data storytellers.*

Fill out this form or email inquiry@storytellingwithdata.com if you're interested in organizing an SWD session.

storytelling with YOUR data ABBREVIATED WORKSHOP (2 HOURS)
The power of data storytelling is particularly compelling when individuals see it applied to examples from their own work. In this condensed session, select data storytelling strategies are introduced, practiced, discussed, and illustrated through examples gathered from your team ahead of time. There is also ample time to address questions.

storytelling with data FOUNDATIONAL WORKSHOP (4 HOURS)
Learn to tell a story with data! Based on strategies covered in the best-selling book of the same name, this engaging half-day workshop teaches the fundamentals of effective data visualization, with emphasis on building a compelling narrative around the information you want to communicate. Concepts are illustrated through real-world examples provided ahead of time by your team. Participants get hands-on practice in an informative and interactive setting.


storytelling with slides ABBREVIATED WORKSHOP (2 HOURS)
The magical combination of stellar slides and powerful delivery is illustrated and deconstructed in this strategy-packed session. Participants learn practical presentation design tactics, demonstrated through interactive exercises and discussion, customized with examples from your team.

storytelling with you NEXT-LEVEL WORKSHOP (4 HOURS)
Become a stronger presenter, no matter how big (or small) a role data plays in your communications. Drawing on lessons from our latest book, you’ll learn to plan in low-tech ways that set you up for success, create effective supporting materials, and practice to deliver with skill and confidence. Participants learn via exercises using a project of their own choice, and leave with a repeatable process to use going forward, ready to make their next presentation their best one yet.


storytelling & presenting data FULL DAY WORKSHOP (6–7 HOURS)
For teams invested in bringing the way they communicate to the next level, this immersive day of in-person learning guides participants through strategies to craft effective data-driven stories and present them powerfully. Drawing on lessons from all of our books, individuals learn the ins and outs of great graphs and stellar slides, how to weave their message and data into compelling narratives, and methods to refine presentation skills to engage and drive understanding and action over 6–7 hours of stellar content.

Ready to get started?

  • To organize an SWD learning session for your group, fill out this form or email inquiry@storytellingwithdata.com

  • If you're an individual or small team interested in attending a workshop or enrolling a few of your colleagues in a longer term training course, check out our Public Workshops.

Frequently asked questions

  • From our perspective, the ideal learning environment is when people are together in the same physical space. There are tangible benefits to being able to talk directly, in three dimensions, to other participants and the instructor. If you’re debating the format, we recommend bringing people together in person. That said, there are also advantages to virtual: it allows individuals to attend from their preferred location, gives everyone an equal opportunity to participate, and lends a feeling of personal instruction—like instructors are speaking directly to each attendee. Our virtual workshops and are engaging and interactive, second only to an in-person storytelling with data session.

  • No. Because our approach is optimized for the setting, we do not support in-person and virtual attendees in a single session.

  • When we present workshops in person, each attendee receives a book. The resources we provide for virtual sessions are all online (physical books can be ordered separately as a companion).

  • Due to the interactive nature of our longer format workshops (2+ hours), we find that they are best for up to 30 in-person or 30 virtual participants. Larger groups can be accommodated; please reach out to us to discuss tradeoffs and pricing. Keynote presentations and webinars (30–60 minutes) are flexible when it comes to audience size.

  • Outside of the technology used for virtual sessions (Zoom), our workshops are low tech: pens, paper, and sticky notes are the primary tools used to practice lessons covered. The focus is on foundational principles for communicating effectively that can be applied to varying extent in any software. The lessons themselves are application agnostic. No specialized tool knowledge is required.

  • All sessions are instructed by our SWD data storytellers. Each has worked with data throughout their varied careers, and has been trained to expertly deliver workshops by SWD CEO, Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic. In-person workshops are taught by one or two data storytellers at your location; virtual workshops are co-facilitated remotely by two data storytellers. Get to know the entire team and see videos of them in action here.

  • We offer an unparalleled learning experience. Our world-class interactive sessions are led by passionate data presenters who skillfully share lessons and facilitate discussions. Whether attending in person or virtually, participants gain concrete ideas to immediately apply to improve their work. SWD support doesn’t end with your session: with a follow-up check in and ongoing access to our virtual SWD community to practice and exchange feedback, we’ll help you use the momentum from your team’s session to propel their continued development.

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People love SWD sessions—here are some of the things they’ve said:

"The insights on how to be effective in telling a story with data will improve the quality of my work tenfold."

"Thank you so much for your hugely successful presentation. EVERYONE loved it, was inspired by it, and is revved up to put it into practice."

"Thanks so much for your outstanding session on storytelling with data. I learned so much!"

"I just wanted to thank you for a very inspiring presentation, especially the 'hands-on' part. I've sure learned a lot and saw many of my own 'mistakes' on screen. Many thanks!"

"Excellent presentation. Topic was 100% relevant. Tips about colors and 'more is less' are my biggest takeaways."

"What did I like most? All of it. Super informative, fascinating, applicable content. Great, engaging presentation. Interesting content. Great tips and tricks."

 "Excellent presenter! The presentation was clear and communicated an accessible list of techniques to apply to a range of charts and graphs."

"Your session was remarkable! I went to your session the year before and decided to go again as you have a gift of communicating clearly and meaningfully with and without data so I learn twofold!"

"My biggest learning was the realization that I'm not alone in my lack of design experience, and how easy it is to make a huge impact."

"Thank you so incredibly much for the extremely informative and inspirational session. I've already used your suggestions countless times and will certainly continue doing so. I've raved about your presentation (and flawless presenting skills!) to colleagues here; they dream of attending one day as well."

"Your session was awesome. Can't wait to take these lessons back to my team."

Interested in bite-sized learning? We can help with that, too.
Sign up your group for premium in SWD community to gain access to our robust on-demand video library, office hours, live events with the SWD team, and more. Watch videos or complete exercises as a team to self-tailor learning and skill development.

*Prices do not include travel for in-person sessions. Reduce cost by 20% by using our examples instead of yours. Larger audience sizes & keynote presentations are priced individually; email us at inquiry@storytellingwithdata.com for details.