what comes next?

"This session was amazing. How can I continue to develop my storytelling and presenting skills?" Participants frequently ask this question at the end of our workshops.

Applying new learnings at work can be challenging because time is limited, and it's easy to fall into old routines and unhelpful habits. The best advice to develop better data storytelling skills is simply to do it. Make effective communication a goal, practice regularly, and seek feedback. 

If you're unsure how to begin, I recommend building momentum by starting small in a safe space where changes will have a positive impact and be well received. The Let's Practice! book outlines a number of exercises for practicing at work and with your team. You can also join our free online SWD community to practice on your own in a low-stakes environment, outside of your workplace.

For more hands-on, external support to hold you accountable and keep up your energy and focus on this important area, we invite you to join our 8-week online course—we have cohorts starting in June and September. This unique and immersive program allows participants to explore topics in depth during weekly lectures and through various resources (the books, blog, podcast, videos, and exercises) for a robust learning experience. The course includes optional weekly office hours to discuss and get feedback directly from data storytellers based in the US and UK so there are options that work for everyone around the world—to chat and get questions answered. Perhaps even more exciting is meeting a diverse group of fellow data enthusiasts eager to learn and grow!

No matter what approach you take to continue your development, we highly encourage you to celebrate your progress. Share success stories to track your progress, and so others can learn and be inspired. Have you found success keeping up momentum in other ways? What do you or your team do to maintain a focus on effective communication and data storytelling? Leave us a comment below with your thoughts and ideas!

Due to the highly immersive nature of the online course, enrollment is limited—secure your spot today! Attend our summer session, which runs from June 3, 2024 through July 28, 2024; or, join our fall cohort, starting on September 23, 2024 and ending on November 17, 2024. 

Past participants have expressed appreciation for the practical and actionable lessons—here is a sampling of praise the course has received:

  • “I cannot believe the presentation I was able to create and deliver in 2 months! The skills I learned, nicely paced out over 8 classes, were invaluable for delivering more effective presentations. I really appreciated the insightful feedback from the instructors on each assignment. I had many lightbulb moments regarding how to be more effective that I know will stick with me thanks to the combination of lectures and hands-on learning. This class was invaluable!” - Cathy T.

  • “It is the best training experience I have ever had! It offers all kinds of ways to learn and get feedback.” - Yuan G.

  • “I really enjoyed the course, which has given me so many new perspectives and ideas! The exercises, as well as the weekly learning resources on the course website, are the parts I liked the most. I appreciate that you offer resources in a variety of formats (read, listen, watch).” - Jessica B.
