being clever with color

Quick announcement: I'll be doing just one more public storytelling with data workshop in 2015, which will be in Chicago in mid-October and still has a few open spots. Details and registration can be found here.

I've recently given a short presentation covering considerations when it comes to the use of color in communicating with data (earlier this week, for Chartio, and last week at the Seattle DataVis meet up). In it, I cover 7 brief lessons:

  1. Color grabs attention
  2. Color can signal where to look
  3. Color should be used sparingly
  4. Color can carry quantitative value
  5. Color carries tone and meaning
  6. Not everyone sees color
  7. Color should be used consistently

For each of these lessons, I talk about some specific strategies and look at a number of real-world examples. In order to bring this content to a wider audience, I recorded it, and you can view it here:

Leave a comment to let me know if you're interested in seeing more video content like this in the future.

The lessons covered here and much, much more can also be found in my forthcoming book, storytelling with data: a data visualization guide for business professionals, available for pre-order on Amazon today.