how would you show this data?

While riding the subway from Manhattan to Brooklyn this morning (which I mention simply because that's not a sentence I get to say every day), I came across the following graph from the Economist, headlined, "Hurricanes in America have become less frequent."


This graph gave me pause for a number of reasons. But rather than recount them here, I thought it would be interesting to turn this graph (and the data) over to you. If you were reporting on this data, how would you show it? What would your headline be?

Send your makeover and headline to (if you'd like, include a social media profile you'd like me to link to) by next Friday, 9/22, and I'll follow up with a blog post featuring the remakes I receive. I look forward to seeing what you come up with!

Update: big thanks to all who participated! Here is the follow-up post with all of the makeovers I received.