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storytelling with data: learning through critique

On May 30, 2019, we hosted storytelling with data’s first live stream event, broadcast around the world. People watched, participated, and had their questions answered! Watch the trailer below for more information, plus the option to purchase and watch via streaming or download.

What we covered: Less than ideal graphs are everywhere! It’s remarkably easy to point out what is “wrong” with other people’s data visualizations. But much can be gained from learning how to constructively discuss and critique graphs—both for giving feedback as well as honing your own data visualization skills. Join this engaging live stream with Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic, author of best-selling book, storytelling with data. You’ll examine core principles for communicating effectively with data illustrated masterfully as you learn through critique!

DID YOU KNOW? For the price of this video, you can get five months of premium membership in the SWD community, where you can access this video (and many more), office hours, and live events! Learn more.